♡ What is skin purging? ♡

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                               ♡ What is skin purging? ♡

●》Purging often happens when you first try a new skincare product with active ingredients (glycolic, mandelic or retinoids etc) that encourages cell turnover and forces the clearing out of your pores all at once. Everything clogging your pores (debris, oil, bacteria, sebum) emerges to the surface causing pimples and whiteheads on areas of your face you usually get break outs. The skin gets worse before it gets better.
Once newer skin replaces & the pores have been cleared out the purging will stop. .
●》The purging phase essentially begins within days of using a new skincare product, it can lasts a few weeks as new skin cells are coming to the surface hence clearing out the skin. A skin purge shouldn't last longer than 4 weeks. That's when you can tell if it's actually purging or if something is badly messing up your skin instead. Intuitively, we should be able to tell that apart.
●》Active ingredients like AHAs/BHA
》 Glycolic acid》 Lactic acid
》 Mandelic acid》 Salicylic acid
》 Retinoids/ Retinols 

》 Vitamin C
》Benzoyl peroxide
These ingredients have exfoliating properties & stimulates cell turnover of the skin. Oil cleansing can also trigger a purge only if you are using it for the first time.

●》Skin purging is different from an adverse reaction or breakouts.
In-case of an adverse reaction, your skin generally gets red, itchy, raw or dry and patches of tiny raised bumps on your face starts to appear. In general, a purge would cause whiteheads, pimples & pustules to come to the surface without redness, itchy skin or texture.

●》To keep purging to a minimum, introduce the new ingredients slowly & intermittently, diluting the product with a basic moisturizer. Make sure to keep your skin protected from the sun. Spot treat with tea tree oil.

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