♡ Is lemon juice safe to use on face? ♡

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♡ Is lemon juice safe to use on face? ♡
■Lemon juice as a brightening & exfoliating agent is popular in the DIY skincare world. Some people swear by it while some would suggest not using it at all. .
■The 2 ingredients in lemon juice that makes it a brightening & exfoliating agent are Vitamin C & Citric acid (AHA).
■These ingredients are both used in peels & skincare products.. But they are used in precise, calculated amounts. On the other hand, all lemons have different amount of acid in them and are not precise. You never know how much acid you're using.
■Lemon juice is highly acidic at a pH of 2. Our skin's pH is somewhere between 4.2 - 4.5, which is healthy. The thin, protective layer of our skin called acid mantle can suffer permanent damage by altering the skin's natural pH levels. It can cause hyperpigmentation, irritation & extreme sensitization.
■ Citrus fruits are phototoxic, meaning if you go out in the sun with with a DIY lemon juice recipe applied on your face, it could cause rashes, blistering and chemical burn. On average, lemon juice contains 19% of citric acid which has massive potential of causing photodamage if used in day light hours. Using lemon juice on the skin & then stepping out in the sun can cause a condition called phytophotodermatitis.
■Lemon juice also contains some allergens such as Limo ene which get deeply into the skin beacause of low pH. If you have acne or inflamed skin, putting lemon juice on it would be like pouring acid into an open wound.

In a nutsell, if pure lemon juice is acidic enough to wear away the enamel on your teeth, it can surely ravage the skin more than it could do good to it. Always dilute lemon juice with water, aloe vera gel or honey to balance out the acidity if you do use it and always do a patch test first.
Lemme know your thoughts on this topic πŸ’• .


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